This is a petition that is near and dear to my heart, financial heath and well being. This petition is called Keep America Meeting.
The negative press coverage that the meetings industry is receiving is affecting many Americans. It all began with the AIG story regarding their private event right after the bail out. The press painted a picture of corporate meetings as frivolous and indulgent.
This isolated instance led several organizations to cancel their meetings and events. In December of 2008, I had one of my largest clients cancel the entire event due to perception. The company was not in financial trouble. In fact, they had just had three new technologies approved by the FDA. The reason for canceling the meeting was purely perception.
Word is spreading like wild fire. The media is still giving corporate meetings a negative image. The irony of it all....by canceling these meeting it furthers the negative affect on the American economy.
Neil Adams, President of the Northern California Chapter of ISES (International Society of Event Specialist) put it perfect in his March 2009 President's Letter:
Are we doing enough to help get out of this current economic climate more quickly? The Special Event industry has been getting knocked in the news, but our industry is one that really supports local economies. Florists, hotel and venue employees, caterers, audio visual providers, entertainment, rental companies, etc. - we've all seen the village come together to work an event. But we're the only ones that see the actual work that goes into producing events. Those that only see the end result don't get what goes into producing an event, and in some cases, view special events as unnecessary expenditures.This is for you Neil! You have motivated at least one person to DO SOMETHING.
Please take the time to sign this petition...if anything to help me keep my job! Click the link below for more information and to sign the petition.
Keep America Meeting
Thanks for posting this on your blog - it is of great importance that all of our clients and event professional associates are in the know. Great blog!